“Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. (Psalm 67:3–4, ESV) Why a person decides to walk on the path of mission? And become a vessel in God’s hand? Giving up his life, and have no regret? This verse is the heart of God, it is also a verse that touched people’s heart for mission. People who step-out to the unknown life and uncontrollable life. This kind of sacrifices, is it worth it? Is it crazy or stupid? On July/31/2016, Sunday, when most Christian are busy in the church serve, a loving and faithful family was taken to be with the Lord. This family have 5 people, the youngest was only 2 and half months. Husband and wife both only 29 years old. They were struck by a truck from behind. Suddenly, the car was crash and become a fireball. This sad news was so socking that the local news also reports about it. I saw some a comment online said “this is the reason I don’t believe god, they must have pray for their kids every day, and they were going to a mission training, why god let this tragedy happen?” this.. maybe is the question that we all struggle with. Why? Aren’t they going to serve God? they almost ready to depart for Japan, why God let this happen? How can we accept this reality? How did brother Pals decide to become a missionary? In year 2011, his church, Bethlehem Baptist church with desiring God had a mission conference. On this conference he heard the message preach by Michael Oh, this sermon was about the need in Japan. Brother Pals felt called to reach this unreach people group, so he step out by faith. After all these years of training and waiting, the departure date was about to come. They were planning to leave for Japan in October. They are on the road to attend their final training. They plan to live in Japan, serve among Japanese so they can see this nation come to worship the one true God. Sadly, the whole family was gone. They have graduated first. Everyone from worldventure was saddened by this news. Yet, we ask the Lord to help us see, how his life can bring great impact in people’s life. Will more people be touched by their beautiful life and be moved to give their life for the kingdom business? I remember many years ago, I heard the story of William Borden. He was called to be missionary to China, about 100 years ago, in his diary he wrote, “no reserve, no retreat, no regret.” He was from a wealthy family, he had high education, and his father planning to give him the inheritance. However, he knew God’s calling, so he determines to become missionary. As he prepares his final training in Egypt, he got sick, sadly he passed away shortly after. He was only 25 years old. I also remember, in my seminary, at my preaching class. I had a classmate, he was between 40~50 years old. He used to work in Vegas show business, yet God saved him and call him, so he was preparing to become pastor. I remember he is so talent in preaching, and he got many great life experience. He only has maybe one more year of study. One day, I was chatting with him at the parking lot, who would know that that was the final day I saw him. He passed away few days after. These things makes me want to ask, “why Lord! Why?” Bro. Pals have a tattoo verse (which I find out from his friend facebook comment) “And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” (Job 1:21, ESV) To those whom may not know God that well, and questioning, “do you believe in such kind of god?” we must give an answer. We must understand, for Christian live is (for) Christ, die is gain (Christ). Therefore, death is not an end to Christian, it is not hopeless tragedy. Death is graduation, lay down the burden of this life, and immediately enter into the presence of God. This is not self-comfort, this is guarantee, this is a promise. In his prayer letter, brother Pals mention he read a paragraph from his pastor, John Piper, it says. “Life is not a straight line leading from one blessing to the next and then finally to heaven. Life is a winding and troubled road. Switchback after switchback. And the point of biblical stories like Joseph and Job and Esther and Ruth is to help us feel in our bones (not just know in our heads) that God is for us in all these strange turns. God is not just showing up after the trouble and cleaning it up. He is plotting the course and managing the troubles with far-reaching purposes for our good and for the glory of Jesus Christ.” – John Piper, in A Sweet and Bitter Providence Maybe God is already preparing them, may the Lord also prepare us. Maybe we will never know why God took them, that question maybe is not that important. The important thing is, we know we will meet again, they have lived a beautiful life for Christ. Although short, yet glory. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21, ESV) May God help us, and also help anyone who read this blog, we must know that God control everything for 2 purposes, one is for our benefit, two is all for the glory of His kingdom. I only knew brother Jamison not long ago, we exchange email, and share how God called us. We expect to serve together and hoping to have great fellowship in the near future. How can I say his leaving is for Christ glory? God’s army has lost a great solider, a brother who love God and love people, a brother who love Japan and desire to see this largest unreach people to be preach for the gospel. He gave his all, yet who is going to fulfill his dream? I asked the Lord, let the love they have for Japan, have it in me, let me and Jennifer to fulfill their dream for them. May God used their story to touch more people, so that more labor will be call into ministry. Also, more and more people will be aware the gospel need in Japan. Let our lives not be wasted it, let our lives live in God’s calling. Brother Pals' family planning to bury their ash in Japan. May their lives touched thousands and thousands of Japanese to know the love of Christ, may their sacrifices bear fruits, so that this nation will become a global mission force. Let gospel be preach from Japan to all nations. We will see each other again, we will celebrate and worship with many others, especially Japanese, we will worship Jesus together. The Lord will wipe away all our tears.
I like to share a song, a Japanese worship song. May our heart be heal knowing that our brother's family is worshiping Christ in heaven. When our tears have passed The fountain will flow from here One day will bear fruit And we will be filled with joy (Chorus) Even the flowers, the clouds, and the vast ocean Sing out the name of Jesus Let it ring to the sky Sing, my soul, of His grace (Verse 2) Heavens will open And we shall look up and see One day the flowers will bloom And the Lord of glory will come ここに泉はわく Koko ni izumi waku 涙をすぎるとき Namida wo sugiru toki やがて実を結び Yagate mi wo musubi 笑い声に満ちる Waraigoe ni michiru (Chorus) 花も雲も風も大海も Hana mo kumo mo kaze mo ooumi mo 奏でよ奏でよイエスを Kanadeyo kanadeyo Iesu wo 空に響け歌え魂よ Sora ni hibike utae tamashii yo 恵みを恵みを恵みを Megumi wo megumi wo megumi wo (Verse 2) 仰げ天は開き Aoge ten wa hiraki 僕らは見るだろう Bokura wa mirudarou やがて花は咲き Yagate hana wa saki 栄光の主が来られる Eikou no Shu ga korarer | 『神啊!願眾民都稱謝你,願萬民都稱謝你。願萬族都快樂歡呼,因為你按正直統管眾民,並引導地上的萬族。』(詩篇67:3-4) 是什麼原因,一個人決定走向宣教的路,成為神手中的器皿,奉獻生命,一生無悔?這經文是神的心意,也是觸動一個人,願意走向一條未知而且無法掌握的人生。然而,這樣的付出是否是愚蠢的?是否是多餘的?是否是不值得的?7月31日2016年禮拜日,正當基督徒都在教會忙著崇拜與事奉,一個寶貴的家庭,一個敬虔愛主的家庭,一個即將踏上異國的宣教士,我將來的宣教同工,剎那之間被主接回天家。一家五口,最小的只有兩個月半。而他們夫婦也只有29歲。他們被卡車從後面撞上,車子順時間變成一團火球。這悲劇震撼社區,也上了新聞。在網站上有人就憤恨的說,『這就是我不相信有神的原因』他們一定天天為孩子的平安禱告,而且他們是要去接受宣教訓練的,為什麼上帝讓他們這樣悲慘的離開?…這…或許也是許多基督徒心中的疑問。為什麼?他不是要去事奉嗎?他不是已經快預備好,再過幾個月就要去住在日本,長期的向日本人傳福音嗎?這怎麼能讓人接受呢? 這位弟兄,為什麼會感動走向宣教的路?因為在2011年,他的教會舉辦了宣教年會,在大會上Michael Oh(洛桑宣教大會的主席)講了一篇道,關於日本的需要。 他因此受感動,決定成為宣教士前往日本宣教。經過了這些年的等候與訓練。他這趟車程就是要前往最後一個月的訓練,之後計畫在10月搬到日本,長期住在那裡,為了日本人也能一同敬拜基督而努力。如今他一家先回天家,先畢業了。我們與差會所有同仁都非常難過。我們求主讓我們看見,他們的生命將產生什麼樣的果效呢?是否更多的人因他們美麗的生命而感動,也願意投入天國大業呢? 記得幾年前我也聽過一個故事,就是William Borden(威廉‧波頓)的故事。他也是在100年前,要去中國的宣教士。在他的日記裡寫了這麼一句名言『不保留, 不退縮, 不後悔』,他本是富家子弟,又有高等學位,父親盼望把家產讓他繼承,沒想到他堅決的要成為去中國的宣教士,因他清楚神的呼召。就在他到了埃及接受最後的宣教訓練,沒想到生了一場病,因此就過世了。他只有25歲! 這也讓我想到,我神學院講道學的同學。他大約40~50歲之間,他本來在拉斯維加斯秀場做製作人,然而神拯救了他也呼召了他,他的人生有了新的開始。還記得他講道生動活潑很有內容,他有很多的人生經驗,正預備接受裝備,成為牧師。神學的裝備也剩下最後一年多左右。有一天下課,我跟他在學校停車場聊天,打招呼。沒想到這會是最後一次見到他。這些事情發生,我們都很想問,主啊!為什麼?然而就如我這位本來要成為同工的弟兄身上刺青的一句話,『我赤身出於母胎,也必赤身歸去。賞賜的是耶和華,收回的也是耶和華;耶和華的名是應當稱頌的。』(約伯記 1:20) 我們要回答,許多對神不完全認識、明白的人所提出的疑問,『這樣的神你還要信嗎?』我們必須明白,基督徒活著是為基督,死了就得著基督。所以『死』對我們來說並不是結局,也不是絕望的悲劇。『死』是畢業,是歇了地上的勞苦,馬上到天上與基督永遠的享受。這不單只是安慰,這是保證,這是確據。在這位宣教士的代禱信中,他寫過一段話,是他從他牧師John Piper的書中所看到的。 生命不是一條直線,從一個祝福走到下一個祝福,最後進天國。生活是一條曲折與困難的路。常常變來變去。聖經中許多故事的重點如約瑟、約伯、以斯帖、路得等等,都是為了要幫助我們讓我們深刻的體會(不只是給我們一些頭腦的知識)神是為了我們(或神祂把自己給我們)在這些奇怪的轉則之中。神不是當難處發生後出先收拾殘局,祂計畫每一步,並且管理每一個困難,為了是一個更超越與目的,為了是我們的好處與基督的榮耀。約翰派博,書名:在上帝酸甜苦辣的保守中 (以上是我自己的翻譯,不見的完美) “Life is not a straight line leading from one blessing to the next and then finally to heaven. Life is a winding and troubled road. Switchback after switchback. And the point of biblical stories like Joseph and Job and Esther and Ruth is to help us feel in our bones (not just know in our heads) that God is for us in all these strange turns. God is not just showing up after the trouble and cleaning it up. He is plotting the course and managing the troubles with far-reaching purposes for our good and for the glory of Jesus Christ.” – John Piper, in A Sweet and Bitter Providence 似乎主已經再預備他們,求神也預備我們,我們或許永遠也不會知道為什麼,然而這不是重要的問題,而是我們知道我們會再相會。他們為基督活了美好的一生,雖然短暫,但卻是榮耀。『我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處。』(腓1:21)。求神幫助我,也幫助所有讀這文章的人,我們真要知道上帝掌管一切為了兩個目的,一個是真正為了我們的好處,一個是為了神國的榮耀。 我才剛認識這位同工不久,我們彼此分享一些主如何呼召我們,我們充滿盼望與期待將來能一起同工。怎麼說他的離去如何說是為了基督的榮耀呢?神國失去一位精兵,一位愛神愛靈魂的僕人,一位愛日本,渴望看見這世界最大的未及之民能聽聞福音,他擺上一切。然而他的夢想誰來實現?我求主!他們夫婦那份愛日本的心,求主讓我和欣慧去完成。但願他的故事能感動更多更多的人,來投入天國福音大業,也感動大家關注日本福音的需要。我們的一生不要白活,不管長短,我們要活在神的旨意中。 我弟兄一家的骨灰將計畫安葬在日本,願他的生命感動千千萬萬的日本人能認識基督的愛,歸向基督,讓他所有的犧牲都有一天都能開花結果,使這民族能成為宣教大軍,福音從日本傳出去。當我們見主面的那一天,我們都可以一同歡呼讚美,與萬邦萬族,特別是日本人,一同敬拜耶穌。主必要擦乾我們一切的眼淚!
在這分享一首日文詩歌,求主安慰我們的心靈 When our tears have passed The fountain will flow from here One day will bear fruit And we will be filled with joy (Chorus) Even the flowers, the clouds, and the vast ocean Sing out the name of Jesus Let it ring to the sky Sing, my soul, of His grace (Verse 2) Heavens will open And we shall look up and see One day the flowers will bloom And the Lord of glory will come ここに泉はわく Koko ni izumi waku 涙をすぎるとき Namida wo sugiru toki やがて実を結び Yagate mi wo musubi 笑い声に満ちる Waraigoe ni michiru (Chorus) 花も雲も風も大海も Hana mo kumo mo kaze mo ooumi mo 奏でよ奏でよイエスを Kanadeyo kanadeyo Iesu wo 空に響け歌え魂よ Sora ni hibike utae tamashii yo 恵みを恵みを恵みを Megumi wo megumi wo megumi wo (Verse 2) 仰げ天は開き Aoge ten wa hiraki 僕らは見るだろう Bokura wa mirudarou やがて花は咲き Yagate hana wa saki 栄光の主が来られる Eikou no Shu ga korareru |
Gary & JenniferServing Japanese for the sake of the gospel. Archives
March 2020