The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Pet. 4:7-8)
This year has just begun for about two months, but we already been bombarded with so much bad news. From the Australian wildfire to earthquakes around the world, and now the new coronaviruses. Some people said, if I can, I want to go back to 2019.
This reminds me of a song that I used to hear from my mother when I was young. The song is based on (1 Pet. 4: 7-8). The end of all things is near! In fact, the Bible already warns about the end day. Nations fight each other and famines, earthquakes everywhere (Matt. 24: 6-8). This might sound scary, but this is just the sign that the return of the Lord is coming. Although no one knows the day of Christ ’s return, we can know for sure that each day is one day closer to His return. In moments like these, what should Christians do? We should not be panic, but "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." (Eph. 5:16). We only have limited time to share the good news of Jesus Christ, we should give ourselves for the spreading of the gospel. Trust in the Lord with our life, because we know that whether it is life or death, our life is in the hands of God. if God wants us to stay on the earth, we should do our duty faithfully and continue with His calling. If the Lord wants to take us home, that is also gain, just like Apostle Paul's teaching, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).
In 1 Pet. 4:7-8, we also see, the most important thing is to “keep loving one another.” We imitate Christ to love one another because love can calm fear and chaos. The love of Christ compels us to care for this world, and care for the lost souls. It gives us the motivation to get involved in the mission and share the love of Christ to all people. Next, with a sober-minded in prayer. We need to be alert, and not following the fallacy and fear. In the end time, there are many extreme or distorted bible teachings that are spreading like viruses. In Japan, you can see many activities from the various cult that are eagerly spreading their false message. Yet most Japanese could not tell what is the difference between Christian and J—W.
Korea was greatly affected by the new coronavirus, mainly because of a cult that has radical practices, which caused serious spread. This is one of the reasons why most Japanese doesn’t like organized religion. As a missionary, we not only need to share the true gospel, we also need to guard against heresies. Please pray for Japan.
Japan is not only threatened by the new coronavirus but also faces great spiritual challenges.
2020 is an important year for Japan because the Japanese government has put in more than 25 billion USD in this project, not to mention many private businesses have invested countless money in summer Olympic.
Japan is hoping to reach an economic revival from the summer Olympic game. The coronavirus has already greatly impacted the economy, If this game is canceled, then Japan could enter an unprecedented economic disaster. Let us pray.
This year has just begun for about two months, but we already been bombarded with so much bad news. From the Australian wildfire to earthquakes around the world, and now the new coronaviruses. Some people said, if I can, I want to go back to 2019.
This reminds me of a song that I used to hear from my mother when I was young. The song is based on (1 Pet. 4: 7-8). The end of all things is near! In fact, the Bible already warns about the end day. Nations fight each other and famines, earthquakes everywhere (Matt. 24: 6-8). This might sound scary, but this is just the sign that the return of the Lord is coming. Although no one knows the day of Christ ’s return, we can know for sure that each day is one day closer to His return. In moments like these, what should Christians do? We should not be panic, but "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." (Eph. 5:16). We only have limited time to share the good news of Jesus Christ, we should give ourselves for the spreading of the gospel. Trust in the Lord with our life, because we know that whether it is life or death, our life is in the hands of God. if God wants us to stay on the earth, we should do our duty faithfully and continue with His calling. If the Lord wants to take us home, that is also gain, just like Apostle Paul's teaching, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).
In 1 Pet. 4:7-8, we also see, the most important thing is to “keep loving one another.” We imitate Christ to love one another because love can calm fear and chaos. The love of Christ compels us to care for this world, and care for the lost souls. It gives us the motivation to get involved in the mission and share the love of Christ to all people. Next, with a sober-minded in prayer. We need to be alert, and not following the fallacy and fear. In the end time, there are many extreme or distorted bible teachings that are spreading like viruses. In Japan, you can see many activities from the various cult that are eagerly spreading their false message. Yet most Japanese could not tell what is the difference between Christian and J—W.
Korea was greatly affected by the new coronavirus, mainly because of a cult that has radical practices, which caused serious spread. This is one of the reasons why most Japanese doesn’t like organized religion. As a missionary, we not only need to share the true gospel, we also need to guard against heresies. Please pray for Japan.
Japan is not only threatened by the new coronavirus but also faces great spiritual challenges.
2020 is an important year for Japan because the Japanese government has put in more than 25 billion USD in this project, not to mention many private businesses have invested countless money in summer Olympic.
Japan is hoping to reach an economic revival from the summer Olympic game. The coronavirus has already greatly impacted the economy, If this game is canceled, then Japan could enter an unprecedented economic disaster. Let us pray.
- Pray that the spread of the virus can be stopped. No matter what happens, may the hope of Jesus Christ be made known to the millions of Japanese.
- May God use this crisis to turn much more Japanese heart toward God. May God enable them to find true peace and hope in Jesus Christ.
- Please pray the leaders, government official, that they will have the ability to deal with this crisis.
- Last but not least, pray for all the Christians in Japan, may God strengthen us, and give us open doors to share the true gospel. May God protected missionaries and church leaders to united in God’s love.
- 讓我們一起為日本禱告,盼望在奧運前,這疫情能夠被控制,甚至消失。
- 不管發生什麼事情,基督徒有依靠。然而千千萬萬的日本人,很多可能會在這困境中絕望。讓我們一起為日本禱告,求神使用這次的危機成為日本屬靈的轉機。
- 求主憐憫執政、掌權的,給他們智慧、能力來做最好的安排。
- 求主大開福音的門,讓更多日本人有機會接觸、聽聞正統福音。
- 也求主堅固各地教會,基督徒,傳道同工,宣教士,能一起同心協力在危急的時刻能展現出主的愛。