為幾天前我到聖地牙哥去了一家日本二手店,逛了一下,看到有許多的漫畫、書籍、日本流行文化的東西。逛著逛著竟然看到手塚治虫所畫的聖書物語,還有十誡。大家都知道他是被封為漫畫之神,他所畫的原子小金剛是我小時喜愛的。雖然我不知道他是否是基督徒(我想應該不是)但為什麼他會畫聖經故事?另外就是8,9年級都知道的福音戰士 Neon Genesis Evangelion。這動畫的機器人就叫做使徒!為什麼他們要用聖經的東西來做漫畫題材?還有最近我聽到日本天團 L'arc en ciel 的主唱Hyde(我確定他不是基督徒)唱Jesus Christ,我很好奇去找了一下為什麼他會寫這歌。他出版的專輯叫做Faith, 是一個非常黑暗,但似乎在談一些信仰掙扎類的東西。他回應出版這專輯的目的說 "The religious expressions and aspects. I am not a member of a special religion but when I was in Europe and visited some churches there, I felt this enormous power and I felt like my soul was being purged. And I wanted to create this atmosphere on my album. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith_(Hyde_album))
答案是否定的,聖經說:『沒有明白的,沒有尋求 神的;12人人都偏離了正道,一同變成污穢;』(羅 3:11-12) 人自我尋找神是找不著的,除非神引導我們認識祂。『然而,人還沒有信他,怎能求告他呢?沒有聽見他,怎能信他呢?沒有人傳揚,怎能聽見呢?15如果沒有蒙差遣,怎能傳揚呢?』(羅 10:14-15a)
Few days ago, when I was in San Diego. I found a second-hand shop which sale many Japanese anime and pop-culture stuff. I come across Osamu Tezuka's work on Genesis and the Ten-commandment. Everyone know he was consider the god of manga (animation), one of his work, Astro-Boy, was my favor when I was young. Although I don't know if he is Christian (I guess not), why would he pick up biblical story and made a work from it?
Another interesting fact was, the famous animation Neon Genesis Evangelion, people form 80 should know about this. The main machinery (robot) in the anime was call "apostle" why would they use biblical term/elements to make anime? Recently, I also heard the famous J-Rock Band L'arc en ciel sing a song call Jesus Christ, the lead singer Hyde wrote this song(I am sure he is not a Christian). I was curious on why he wrote this song, so I search online, this is what I found. "The religious expressions and aspects. I am not a member of a special religion but when I was in Europe and visited some churches there, I felt this enormous power and I felt like my soul was being purged. And I wanted to create this atmosphere on my album. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith_(Hyde_album)) (this is a song from his album name "Faith" it was a pretty dark-metal album, seems like talking about struggling faith or something relate to that.)
Maybe, they just curious of western culture, maybe they only want to look for more material to produce their work, or maybe they are seeking for something. Japaneses pop-culture got tons of stuff that relate to "God, gods, Christ, Angel, devil, spiritual realm. Among all these mix voices, will they find the true God? knowing the true God? the answer is no. Bible said, "11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. 12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; ” Romans 3:11–12a (ESV) Man was unable to find God, unless God lead us to Him. "14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent?" Romans 10:14–15a (ESV)
The answer is, there is a need for true Christian to lead them to know what Bible said about God and Jesus, what is spiritual realm, what is life and death, and what is eternity. Japanese people have many creative idea, they have deep thought on many things, I ask the Lord will open up their eye and help them to see who God really is.
Please pray for Japanese, ask the Lord to fulfill their "real spiritual need."
I will continue to research this topic, "why there are so many Christian elements in Japanese pop-culture?"
答案是否定的,聖經說:『沒有明白的,沒有尋求 神的;12人人都偏離了正道,一同變成污穢;』(羅 3:11-12) 人自我尋找神是找不著的,除非神引導我們認識祂。『然而,人還沒有信他,怎能求告他呢?沒有聽見他,怎能信他呢?沒有人傳揚,怎能聽見呢?15如果沒有蒙差遣,怎能傳揚呢?』(羅 10:14-15a)
Few days ago, when I was in San Diego. I found a second-hand shop which sale many Japanese anime and pop-culture stuff. I come across Osamu Tezuka's work on Genesis and the Ten-commandment. Everyone know he was consider the god of manga (animation), one of his work, Astro-Boy, was my favor when I was young. Although I don't know if he is Christian (I guess not), why would he pick up biblical story and made a work from it?
Another interesting fact was, the famous animation Neon Genesis Evangelion, people form 80 should know about this. The main machinery (robot) in the anime was call "apostle" why would they use biblical term/elements to make anime? Recently, I also heard the famous J-Rock Band L'arc en ciel sing a song call Jesus Christ, the lead singer Hyde wrote this song(I am sure he is not a Christian). I was curious on why he wrote this song, so I search online, this is what I found. "The religious expressions and aspects. I am not a member of a special religion but when I was in Europe and visited some churches there, I felt this enormous power and I felt like my soul was being purged. And I wanted to create this atmosphere on my album. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faith_(Hyde_album)) (this is a song from his album name "Faith" it was a pretty dark-metal album, seems like talking about struggling faith or something relate to that.)
Maybe, they just curious of western culture, maybe they only want to look for more material to produce their work, or maybe they are seeking for something. Japaneses pop-culture got tons of stuff that relate to "God, gods, Christ, Angel, devil, spiritual realm. Among all these mix voices, will they find the true God? knowing the true God? the answer is no. Bible said, "11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. 12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; ” Romans 3:11–12a (ESV) Man was unable to find God, unless God lead us to Him. "14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent?" Romans 10:14–15a (ESV)
The answer is, there is a need for true Christian to lead them to know what Bible said about God and Jesus, what is spiritual realm, what is life and death, and what is eternity. Japanese people have many creative idea, they have deep thought on many things, I ask the Lord will open up their eye and help them to see who God really is.
Please pray for Japanese, ask the Lord to fulfill their "real spiritual need."
I will continue to research this topic, "why there are so many Christian elements in Japanese pop-culture?"